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Translation Interpretation

Website localization

In today’s fast paced world with information being the only true currency efficient presentation of products on global marketplace is a must. Speaking the language of your customer can revolutionize your business and bring it to the level earlier unthinkable. Internet communities are growing and becoming increasingly multilingual by the day. Don’t miss out on what can become your golden opportunity

Localization involves much more than just translation. Here’s a list of possible tasks needed to be solved in localization process:

Changing character encoding;
Conversions of currency, date and time format,
phone systems (deleting references to 1-800 numbers, etc.);
Resizing textboxes and embedded images;
Changing graphics and image colors to fit specific culture;

Website registration in search engines popular in that country

Our professional and cost-effective solutions will help you stay on top of competition and achieve better communication with your customers.